Introduction aux blockhaus
English on left
What kind of house?
A blockhouse is a modest fortified building with a distinctive overhanging upper level. In 18th- and 19th-century North America, both Britain and the United States built many blockhouses for defence purposes. They were usually constructed of local material such as wood and could be put up relatively quickly and cheaply. This blockhouse is one of three built in St. Andrews to defend the batteries of guns that protected the harbour and river, primarily from enemy privateers.
French on right
De quel genre de construction s?agit-il?
Le blockhaus est un modeste ouvrage fortifie qui se reconnait lacilement a son etage en surplomb. Dan l?Am?rique du Nord des 18 et 19 si?cles, la Grand Bretagne et les Etats-Unis construisirent de nombreux pour defendre leur territoire. Ces ouvrages ?taient g?n?ralement faits de mat?riaux locaux, tels que la bois, et pouvaient ?tre eriges assez rapidement et a relativement peu de frais. St. Andrews construisit trois blockhaus incluant celui-ci, pour d?fendre les batteries de tir qui prot?geaient le port et la rivi?re, principalement contre les corsaires ennemis.
Sidebar on right; English on top, French on the bottom
The 104th Regiment
Among the military units stationed at the blockhouse were members of the 104th Regiment of Foot, or New Brunswick Regiment. The 104th are still remembered for their march from Fredericton, New Brunswick to Kingston, Ontario, to reinforce the troops there - a trek in severe winter conditions which began in mid-February 1813 and lasted 52 days!. The 104th then took part in several battles to repel American incursions into Ontario.
Le 104ᵉ R?giment
Le blockhaus ?tait notamment tenu par les membres du 104ᵉ R?giment de fantassins, ?galement appel? New Brunswick Regiment. Le militaires du 104ᵉ devinrent c?l?bres pour la march qu-ils entreprirent de Fredericton, au Nouveau Brunswick, ? Kingston, en Ontario, o? ils avaient ?t? appel en renfort - une exp?dition qui d?buta ? la mi-f?vrier 1813 dans des conditions hivernales s?v?res et qui dura 52 jours! Le 104 pit ensuite par ? plusieurs batailles pour repousser des incursions am?ricaines en Ontario.
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